My Groom is in Love with Another Addie Novel, Read Online

My Groom is in Love with Another Addie Novel is the story about Glen and Addelyn. Glen was set to marry Addelyn or Addie but the other Addie, returned from abroad. So Glen went crazy over this Addie because apparently she’s the one that Glen really likes and he is only marrying the other Addelyn because she saved his life. Addelyn found out about their supposed affair and left on their wedding day.

my groom is in love with another addie novel

A week before the wedding, I found a sweet surprise. My boyfriend’s wedding ring had “Addie” engraved inside, the nickname he always used for me. I felt touched and excited, looking forward to our life together. But before I could fully enjoy the moment, he called.

He was drunk from his bachelor party and needed me to pick him up. When I got to the venue, my heart dropped. There he was, holding another woman’s hand, looking at her with a soft, loving expression. My heart raced when I heard him call her “Addie.”

My Groom is in Love with Another Addie Novel – NovelShort App

My Groom is in Love with Another Addie Novel became recently popular across the web The Complete Novel is available to read online on NovelShort App with the same title. Also, do let us know how did you find My Groom is in Love with Another Addie Novel, share your reading experience with us.

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